General Practice
Patients of all ages are welcome at the St Albans Medical Serivces. Our doctors and nurses are equipped to care for patients through childhood, adolescence, and on throughout life.
We aim to promote continuity of care and encourage patients to see the same doctor at each visit. By planning appointments this is usually possible. In acute situations, although your preferred doctor may not be available, we can usually offer you an alternative doctor. Longer appointments are available so please speak to our receptionist about your needs. If you or a family member require an interpreter this can be arranged. Please advise reception as 48 hours notice is required. Click here to read more about appointments.
Following any requested tests, results may be available by phone between 2pm and 4pm daily. Please ask your doctor how long it will take for your results to be ready. In some circumstances doctors will require patients to make another appointment to discuss results in person. If you wish to discuss any results with your doctor you will also need to make an appointment. Our GPs do not discuss results by phone or email and patients expected to see a doctor for repeat prescription.
For an emergency Call 000 Emergency Services
For after hours service Call our locum service Tel 13 7425 or present to the Emergency Department at
Sunshine Hospital: 176 Furlong Rd, St Albans VIC 3021, Tel (03) 8345 1333 OR Footscray Hospital: Gordon St Footscray, Tel 03 8345 6666
General Services
The services available at the clinic cover the full range of general practice activities including check ups, family planning, Pap smears, counselling, vaccinations, nutritional advice, travel medicine skin checks, chronic disease management, and minor surgery such as the stitching of cuts, removal of moles, sunspots and warts. A pathology collection centre for Australian Clinical Labs is located across the road for the convenience of our patients. Services include blood collection and ECG testing.
General pathology services are available at the Clinic as well every Monday from 9am till 1.00pm, provided by Clinical Lab Pathology.
Practice Nursing
Our practice nurses work in the treatment room carrying out a variety of procedures, and assisting our doctors. The practice nurses are also involved in wound care, immunisations, spriometry, phlebotomy, ECG testing and health checks such as 45-49 years and 75 years and over health checks.
Women's Health
Women's health has a high priority in the clinic. Pap smears are performed by our doctors.
Implanon insertion and removal performed by our doctors.
Pregnancy Care
A pregnancy test can be carried out during an appointment if required. Once a pregnancy is confirmed we can provide antenatal shared care.
Watching children grow, and caring for their health, is a joy for those who work at St Albans Clinic. As we provide regular vaccinations the team is also looking out for mum and dad and supporting them as they work to raise healthy, well adjusted young people.
As the children become adolescents many build trusting relationships with our team of doctors and nurses, turning to them for advice about the many health questions that can arise during this important period of change and development. We strive to be a youth friendly practice.
Care for Senior Citizens
Patients aged 75 and over are encouraged to participate in a free annual health assessment.The aim of this service is to assist people in this age group to continue living independently with the best possible quality of life. Where additional services may be of assistance the practice nurse will arrange appropriate referrals.
Chronic Disease Management
The staff at St Albans Medical Services work to provide wide ranging support to patients with chronic disease. Spirometry is available for the assessment of lung function and self management strategies are encouraged where possible.
Diabetes Prevention and Management
There is a a strong focus on diabetes prevention and care at St Albans Medical Services.. Patients over 40 years are encouraged to take the diabetes risk assessment. Those who score 12 or more are then tested to exclude diabetes. Where diabetes is present patients are assisted to develop effective self-management strategies drawing on the support of allied health services.
Employment Medical Checks
Employment medical checks are available including and ECG and blood tests.
Taxi/commercial drivers licences available.
Minor Surgery and Procedures
Our clinic is equipped with medical instruments and equipment that enables our GPs to provide services such as skin checks, removal of skin lesions, lumps and foreign bodies. We suture wounds and plaster broken limbs.
Liquid Nitrogen Freezing Therapy
We have facilities on site for liquid freezing therapy including the removal of warts.